Voici la lettre que j'ai écrite pour envoyer à Delta Waterfowl pour l'argent amassé. Richard Bourdeau ( Bufflehead ), m'a aussi envoyer l'argent pour les pancartes qu'il a fait fabriquer.
Un gros merci à tous pour votre contribution. Désolé pour la composition en anglais.
March 13, 2008
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
Unit 22-26
Scurfield Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB
R3Y 1M5
Attention: Francoise Lord
Subject: In Memory of Josh Leger
Dear Francoise,
As mentioned in our telephone conversation, please find enclosed the money raised, by members of the Sauvaginiers du Quebec, in memory of Josh Leger.
One of the enclosed cheques is from stickers I had printed. After posting the amount, that was raised by members, on the Sauvaginiers du Quebec web site, another cheque was received and added to the Josh Leger foundation. The other amount comes from signs that were made to increase awareness and safety in the fields while hunters are set up. Hopefully the signs will prevent crawler hunters from causing avoidable tragedies in the future, as in the case of Josh Leger.
I am also sending three sets of the stickers that were printed. The significance of the abbreviations on the stickers is: Big Josh October 10th, 2007 (the date of the tragedy): Respect, Ethic, Security. The camouflage on the stickers was Josh Leger’s preferred pattern of camouflage and the blue goose represents the blue goose that flew by Josh at the time of the incident.
I am hopeful the gesture of raising funds in memory of Josh Leger will be beneficial to others in the future.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in the realization of this worthwhile cause.
Sincerely yours,
Denis Champoux