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 Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved

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3 participants
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Contribution Extrême

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1644
Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2007

Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved Empty
MessageSujet: Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved   Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved EmptyJeu 22 Jan 2009 - 20:57

J'ai mesuré le diamètre intérieur de 3 choke sur mon Beretta.(avec un vernier digital)

Patternmaster Extended .730"

Patternmaster Short range .735"

Trulock Improved cylinder .719" (il est inscrit .715")

Sur le trulock modifier (sur le site internet), il est inscrit .705".

Alors le patternmaster est carrément un improved cylinder selon mes mesures.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 327
Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 29/12/2006

Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved   Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved EmptyVen 23 Jan 2009 - 2:13

Si tu mesures ton PM au 2 bouts, tu vas voir qu'il n'a aucune restriction, c'est vraiment les petites barres à l'intérieur qui vont décaler la bourre de la gerbe et qui va te donner un patron serré.
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Dominic Hébert
Contribution Extrême
Contribution Extrême
Dominic Hébert

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2169
Age : 49
Date d'inscription : 19/02/2006

Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved   Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved EmptyLun 2 Fév 2009 - 16:27

Un Patternmaster n'agit pas comme un choke de série. Il n'offre pas un rétricement au bout pour concentrer les billes d'acier comme un full choke ou un autre choke standard.

Le principe du Patternmaster est de séparer le wad des billes d'acier avant la sortie du canon de ceux-ci grace au "studs" internes du PM. De cette façon, ton patron est plus serré et plus dense pour de meilleures "clean kills".


Patternmaster Choke tubes date back to 1993 when a Kansas farmer, Mike See, had an idea to temporarily hold back the wad in the shot shell for a more consistent shot pattern. Mike approached several firearm experts for help in producing the choke tube. He was introduced to Jerry Poe and Larry Leutenegger who were co-workers in a machine shop. Jerry Poe took the lead in having the choke tubes manufactured. Jerry then listed the assistance of Larry Leutenegger, master machinist / gunsmith, to help with the final touches. The rest is history; Mike See, Jerry Poe, and Larry Leutenegger are now Patternmaster Chokes, LLC. Mike See and his wife Marilyn live in Scott City, Kansas where they perform the shipping, engraving, and warehousing of Patternmaster Choke tubes. Jerry Poe and his wife Dianne reside in Black Earth, Wisconsin. Jerry is the CEO of Patternmaster and in charge of manufacturing. Larry Leutenegger and his wife Julie live in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania where they operate a CNC Machine Shop. Julie machines the choke tubes and sends them to Jerry for final finishing. Larry works to continuously improve the choke tubes and develop new products.


How conventional chokes work Until the introduction of the Patternmaster choke tube in 1993, all chokes used constriction or funneling as a way of controlling patterns. This works relatively well except for two problems: 1. Very Long Shot Strings.... As the wad carries the shot down the barrel to the choke the shot is squeezed and the shot string (from first BB to last BB) becomes very long. Tests have proven that shot strings from conventional choke tubes can be up to sixteen feet long. This is the same principle as pouring sand through a funnel. All of the sand can not exit the funnel at the same time. With a shot string sixteen feet long the amount of pellets on a moving target is limited. 2. The Shot Wad... The shot cup or “wad” used in shotgun shells has always been a problem for pattern control. Shotgun shells use a wad to carry or push the shot down and out of the barrel. These wads are made from paper or plastic. When exiting the barrel the wad, being much lighter than the shot it carries, pushes through the shot string before falling away. This interaction destroys shot patterns. Leaving you with a donut pattern at the target.

How Patternmaster studded choke tubes work

The people at Patternmaster took a very close look at the issues associated with choking by constriction and came up with a solution. The Patternmaster choke tube. The way that the Patternmaster choke works is simple; the Patternmaster tube does not try to constrict the shot or pellets. Therefore, this reduces the long shot string or the funnel affect to about a 2 foot string. This gives you more concentrated shot in your pattern. The next issue was to keep the wad from effecting the shot pattern. Placing five square shallow studs inside the choke tube provided the desired effect. As the wad travels past the studs the base of the wad catches and hesitates for a microsecond giving the shot a chance to separate from the wad. The wad will exit the barrel! This separation allows all shot pellets to leave the cup at the same time. The result is a short shot string without a wad to blow through it. Patternmaster choke tubes keep their full pattern by encompassing the entire length of the wad while the shot is leaving. Therefore, the long range tube will encompass a 3” or 2 ¾” wad allowing for the full pattern. While an extended Patternmaster choke tube will encompass a 3 ½” wad while the shot is leaving. Shooting a 3 ½” shell through a long range tube will result in a modified pattern because the wad will be allowed to extend ½” beyond the end of the tube during the moment the studs are gripping the base of the wad. If you shoot a 3” or 2 ¾” shell through the extended tube you will still get a full pattern because the wad will be encompassed while the shot is exiting the tube. To get a more open pattern Patternmaster has designed (delete this groupwhat we call) a short range or over decoy tube. We have trimmed the front of the tube back closer to the studs to allow the wad to extend past the end of the tube and open up to spread the shot pattern to an improved modified pattern. We recommend using the short range tube inside 35 yards. We have been able to manipulate patterns without using constriction so all 12ga tubes will have approximately the same dimensions through the inside of the tube. There are other options for Patternmaster choke tubes, such as, whether or not to choose ported or unported and black or silver color. Porting (holes around the outside of the choke) is a matter of personal preference. Porting helps to reduce some recoil but it will be louder to shoot. Color is also up to the hunter. All Patternmaster chokes are made of 17-4 stainless steel and are cryogenically treated. Black tubes are anodized for easier concealment.

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Contribution Extrême
Contribution Extrême

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1644
Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2007

Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved   Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved EmptyLun 2 Fév 2009 - 20:09

Merci pour les info Dominic.

Le dernier paragraphe m'a permi d'y voir plus clair.
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Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved   Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved Empty

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Patternmaster Extended, est-il plus mod ou plus improved
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